The organization in Lajpat Nagar, Delhi, operates a Voltas HVAC system with a total capacity of 58 HP. The system includes four 10 HP outdoor units configured in parallel, supplying 40 HP across three floors. Additionally, an independent 18 HP outdoor unit serves the basement.
Client Requirement: One of the 10 HP outdoor units failed, prompting the client to request the replacement of both the faulty 10 HP unit and the 18 HP unit for the basement.
Site Survey & Challenge: Our site survey revealed that the existing 40 HP outdoor units belong to an older generation that Voltas no longer manufactures. The newer models available are not backward compatible with these older units, meaning they cannot be synchronized with the remaining 30 HP units.
Technical Solution: After analyzing the load distribution, we determined that the second floor requires exactly 10 HP. To address the compatibility issue, we isolated the second floor from the existing 40 HP circuit, enabling the remaining 30 HP units to continue operating in sync. We then installed a new 10 HP unit dedicated to the second floor and replaced the 18 HP unit serving the basement with a new model. This approach allowed us to meet the client’s requirements while ensuring the system’s overall stability and efficiency.